Just what was going on at Honeywood last week?

It’s 7.30pm and a group of people are standing outside as utter mayhem ensues inside.

Plates are being dropped, cakes are being eaten, violinists are tuning up and guns are being put into holsters.  Thankfully it’s all planned and exactly as it should be.  SAVVY Theatre Company are putting on a production of ‘Romeo & Juliet’ and are preparing for their first ever audience as part of the National ‘Museums at Night’ festival.

Suddenly a side door opens and a puppet appears.  It’s Romeo and he’s joining the audience as they queue to come in.  Honeywood is being transformed.  It is no longer a local museum but the home of Lord and Lady Capulet who are preparing for their annual Masked Ball.  As the audience enter they are immediately confronted by hapless servants, musicians and security guards while news footage showing the recent confrontations between the Montagues and Capulets is being shown on video screens.

Once cleared by security the audience are allowed into the house.  Lady Capulet is looking for her daughter Juliet who was last seen in the company of her Nurse, while Lord Capulet is discussing Juliet’s impending marriage to the Noble Paris.  When Juliet finally appears the official celebrations can begin and the audience, with the cast members are led into the garden.  There they are introduced to Tybalt, the Capulet trouble-maker, who realises Romeo (a Montague) has snuck into the party.

Through all of this excitement there is a small figure darting in and out of rooms, stopping the action and yelling up to balcony windows.  It’s the director and she’s using this unique preview opportunity to put the necessary changes into the performance, ensuring the audience not only enjoy the experience, but understand Shakespeare’s timeless story of love, violence and reconciliation.

With funding from Arts Council England and support from the Friends of Honeywood, the play opens on the 28th May and will run for the whole of half-term with additional Shakespeare-themed activities taking place throughout the week.

Bring on the chaos!

Performance:    28th – 31st May 2014

Venue:                 Honeywood Museum, Honeywood Walk, Carshalton, SURREY, SM5 3NX

Time:                    7pm

Tickets:                £5.00 (available on 020 8770 4297 – advance booking only)




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